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Thursday, December 15, 2011

UGC Teaching Aptitude Part I

Teaching is a complex process which brings socially desirable behavioural change in a person. Teaching is a part of teaching-learning process. It is required to bring certain changes in a person according to the need of his society and environment in which he is living.
'Teaching is not an act as it is dynamic in nature so it is termed as process. It is also not a fundamental concept as it is greatly influenced by social and human factors. Teaching is both art and science. It is · an '
activity involving teacher and student with a view to the development of student. The main aim of teaching is to bring about socially desirable behavioural changes in the students and can be achieved only if teaching is effective and based on certain values or principles. Teaching is one of the main parts of the teaching-learning system. So effective teaching is mostly depending on the teacher. It is a common fact that a good teacher is born and not made. Training and research can make a good teacher better and a better teacher best. Teacher should follow various methods of teaching devised from time to time. A teacher encourages the practice of thinking among students. Teacher should give to the students the' freedom and opportunity to express their
ideas. . Teaching is required to give education to the students. Edl,lcation may be defined as the
process of drawing out least in an individual. We can define education as "the aggregate of all processes by means of which a person develops attributes, attitudes and other forms of behaviour of positive value in the society in 'which he lives". We can also define it as "the 'social process by which people are subjecte.d to He influence of a selected and controlled environment, so that they may attain social competence and optimum individual development" .
The complete process of education must contain four common factors (i) Educator (teacher) (ll) Educand (Student) (iii) the subject matter (iv) the context (setting). Now, education is the process of developing some abilities in an individual. Though abilities are in'born quality, it is also a fact that these can be nurtured and developed in an educand through various means by an educator. Education must also be relevant and useful to the society in which educand has to live. Since every individual is unique in their own way, the educator has to adopt strategies and methods suitable to individual ·needs. Education also be productive. The educational productivity (rate of efficiency of work) can be classified as qualitative and quantitative. For better education both qualitative and quantitative productivity is required. Quality means here
the excellence in the part of textbook, teachers, students, aids, facilities and other teaching
aids where as quantity refers the number of teachers, institutions, professionals, etc. Education and teaching are interrelated. Education is a complex social cultural and ethical process designed in a social or cultural content. It is related with social structures, cultural environments, values, and ideas of people, society and government. All these factors are dynamic in nature. So teaching is also a dynamic process and its definition changes according to place and  time. Morrison defines it as a disciplined social process in which teacher influences the behaviours of the less experienced pupil and helps him develop according to the needs and ideas of the society.
Teacher's competence : Teacher's competence has been defined as the extent to which the teacher has  relevant subject matter and the pedagogical expertise needed to impart the curriculum effectively. Teacher's efficacy: It IS defined as the self belief in his capacity of doing what is expected from them.
Teacher's enthusiasm: A teacher must be very enthusiastic.
Teacher's Morale : It is very important in maintaining balance in the classroom interaction. The various factors contributed to the morale are psychological well being, self esteem; commitment to a cause. Knowledge and identification with the organisational goal. The teachers morale is a combination of psychological, physiological and environmental cause. These four factors 'are seen in process of effective classroom interaction.

CLASSROOM  INTERACTION : The classroom interaction between a student and a teacher is completely based on the climate created by teacher. He should be able to bring the blendiness of friendship with a definite degree of firmness. The interaction must be smooth and pleasant without any friction for a complete and fruitful teaching learning process. Normally, verbalism' goes on in the name of teaching. Students are merely expected to listen to the explanation and lectures. This is known as direct teaching. The effectiveness of direct teaching has been questioned many times and it is found that this type of teaching is not very effective one. For effective teaching the active, participation of students IS very important. This participation is done through the classroom interaction. 'This interaction consist of their explanations and lectures with students , suggestions, ideas concepts, and questions, etc. These activities of students make important for making teaching learning process effective, democratic and friendly.
Interaction is required for the rectification of the drawbacks of direct teaching. This interactive teaching is known as indirect teaching. Through the interaction; the teacher analyses the capacity and requirement of students and can bring subsequent changes in their behaviour according to the requirement and can also change way of teaching.  One of the most important thing ill classroom interaction is the communication. Communication will be learned in UNIT-IV in details.
SUBJECT MATTER: It is also known as curriculum. Curriculum is a "general overall plan of the content or specific material of instruction that an educational institution should offer to the student by way of qualifying him for graduation or certification". It is also a body of prescribed educational experience under an institutional supervision, designed to provide an individual with the best possible training and experience to fit him for the society of which he/she is a part, or to qualify him for a trade or profession. It is also defined as "a subject matter, instructional materials, situations o~ experience that may , help to develop understanding, skills, appreciation and attitudes". , Curriculum should be logical, psychological and according to the needs of the
pupil and also the society. It should be objective in approach. Curriculum can be of two types:
(i) Teacher oriented curriculum:''In this type of 'curriculum the process of selection of materials content is based on the needs-of the instructor/teacher. The teacher is proficient in, his particular field and is considered superior.
(ii) Child/student oriented curriculum: A curriculum in which the criteria for the selection, and
Sequence of material, activities and experiences for any particular pupil are the needs, maturity, interests and experiential backgrounds of the individual child. In our country the NCERT is the main institution authorised for making curriculum. Every state has his own curriculum making
bodies known as SCERT. Some 'states follows the NCERT curriculum. All schools affiliated
uses. This is the most important step of -teaching learning process. The CBSE boards generally follow NCERT curriculum. At higher _level every university make their own curriculum according to the guidelines of University Grant Commission which acts for the uniformity in curriculum at higher level in our country.
CONTEXT (SETTING): Previously schools were not designed to successfully teach all students. Nowadays their motto has been changed. Their new motto is 'DO LEARN'. This setting is dynamic and flexible. This is changing in view -of making it beneficial to society rather than for an individual. Teaching is a process carried out in different steps. There are five main steps of teaching
(i) Preparation: This stage is required or - intended for the preparation of both the teacher and the students. The teacher prepares the student for a new topic or lesson in variety of ways.
(ii) Presentation: At this stage the new lesson actually begins. The students know that what they are going to learn. The subject material should be carefully arranged by the teacher. He has to
encourage the students to observe, compare and contrast the. Facts presented to them. This stage requires mental alertness from the students. The presentation rests in. the principle of selection of the area to be covered. It is not necessary for a teacher to cover up all areas of the course of study. He may leave some areas for students self study.
(iii) Comparison: In this section after presentation of subject matter, the student
(i) Teacher should be mentally and physically fit.
(ii) Teacher should be known in his work and should be enthusiastic and anxious to keep his knowledge fresh & update.
(iii) He should possess patience and tolerance and try to study the difficulties and problem of students and try to solve them in a quite and calm manner.
(iv) He should have feelings of love and sympathy.
(v) He must not be superstitious about his students and class.
(vi) He should be well dressed and well maintained.
(vii) His voice should be sweet, polite and clear.
(viii) His language should be understandable to the students.
(ix) He must not give any false promise.
(x) He/she should have interest in his profession and the knowledge must be updated.
(xi) He must not have any bad habits.
(xii) Teacher must have a good communication skill and must be a master of his area or field of teaching.
(xiii) Teacher should be trained in various methods of teaching.
(xiv) He should know the child psychology.
(xv) -Teacher should be a good researcher.
(xvi) He should have a control over students to maintain peace and order in class.
(xvii) Teaching should be pupil central rather than subject centers given opportunity to compare two or more sets of facts. This enhances the understanding of lesson among students as they compare and observe different facts.
(xviii) Generalisation: This stage comes after the comparison and observation. Different types of conclusions can be drawn from comparison and generalisation. These conclusions are systemised in a particular order to give a generalised truth.
(xix) Teacher should arose interest among students about the subject.
(xx) Application : At this stage the generalised facts are applied for various Teacher must be fair in grading and marking.
(xx) Teacher -should organise extra curricular activities for –better understanding of subject matter.
(xxi) Good interpersonal relationship should be maintained.
(xxii) Rewards and punishments should b~ given according to their behaviour but usually punishment should be avoided.
(xxiii) Teacher should use modern techniques, methods and gadgets in teaching for better understanding of subject matter.
(xxiv) Teacher should evoke curiosity of the pupils by presenting the subject matter in an effective manner with clear explanation leading to better understanding of the matter.
(xxv) Teacher should arrange subject matter in a logical way.
(xxvi) Teacher should make a lesson plan before presenting the lesson in the class.
(xxvii) Teacher should work as a leader in the class.
(xxviii) Teacher should maintain a democratic atmosphere in the class so that every student will be able to put his doubt, questions and ideas with suggestion.
(xxix) Teacher should act as a role model for his students with his character and behaviour. He  follow the way of "simple living and great thinking".
(xxx) Teacher should inspire his pupil.


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