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Saturday, December 17, 2011

UGC Research Aptitude

1. Who said that members of the same species are not alike?
(a) Darwin (b) Herbert Spencer
(c) Best (d) Good

2. A statistical measure based upon the entire population is called parameter while measure based upon a sample is known as
(a) sample parameter
(b) inference
(c) statistic
(4) none of these

3. Generalized conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known as.
(a) Statistical inference of external validity of the research
(b) data analysis and interpretation
(c) parameter inference
(d) all of the above

4. A researcher selects a probability sample of 100 out of the total population. It is
(a) A cluster sample
(b) A random sample.
(c) A stratified sample
(d) a systematic sample

5. A researcher divides the populations into PG, graduates and 10 + 2 students and using the random digit table he selects some of them from each. This is technically called
(a) stratified sampling
(b) stratified random sampling '
(c) representative sampling
(d) none of these

6. The final result of a study will be more accurate if the sample drawn is
(a) taken randomly
(b) fixed by quota
(c) representative to the population
(d) purposive

7. A researcher selects only 10 members as a sample from the total population of 5000 and considers it good because
(a) he was a good researcher
(b) he was guided by his supervisor
(c) the populations was homogeneous
(d) all of these

8. Area (cluster) sampling technique is used when
(a) population is scattered and large size of the sample is to be drawn
(b) population is heterogeneous
(c) long survey is needed
(d) (a) and (c)

9. A researcher divides his population into certain groups and fixes the size of the sample from each group. It is called
(a) stratified sample (b) quota sample
(c) cluster sample (d) all of the above

10. Which of the following is a non-probability sample?
(a) Quota sample
(b) Simple random sample
(c) Purposive sample
(d) (a) and (c) both

11. Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite?
(a) Area sampling technique
(b) Purposive sampling technique
(c) Systematic sampling technique
(d) None of the above

12. Validity of a research can be improved by
(a) eliminating extraneous factors
(b) taking the true representative sample of the population
(c) both of the above measures
(d) none of these

13. Field study is related to
(a) real life situations
(b) experimental situations
(c) laboratory situations
(d) none of the above

14. Independent variables are not manipulated  in
(a) normative researches
(b) ex-post facto researches
(c) both of the above
(d) none of the above

15. The research antagonistic to ex-post facto research is
(a) experimental studies
(b) normative researches
(c) library researches
(d) all of the above

16. Who is regarded the father of scientific social surveys?
(a) Darwin (b) Booth
(c) Best (d) None of these

17. Attributes of objects, events or things which can be measured are called
(a) qualitative measure
(b) data
(c) variables
(d) none of the above

18. The process not included in experimental researches is
(a) observation
(b) controlling
(c) manipulation and replication
(d) Reference collection

19. The experimental study is based on the law of
(d) single variable
(b) replication
(c) occupation
(d) interest of the subject

20. All are example of qualitative variables except
(a) religion and castes
(b) sex
(c) observation
(d) interest of the subject

21. An example of scientific knowledge is
(a) authority of the Prophet or great men
(b) social traditions and customs
(c) religious scriptures
(d) laboratory and field experiments

22. A teacher encounters various problems during his professional experiences. He should
(a) resign from his post ' in such situations
(b) do research on that problem and find a solution
(c) avoid the problematic situations,
(d) take the help of head of the institution

23. A research problem is feasible only when
(a) it is researchable
(b) it is new and adds something to knowledge
(c) it has utility and relevance
(d) all of these

24. Formulation of hypothesis may not be necessary in
(a) survey studies
(b) fact finding (historical) studies
(c) normative studies
(d) experimental studies

25. Studying the social status of a population a researcher concluded that Mr. X is socially backward. His conclusion is
(a) wrong (b) right
(c) inaccurate (d) biased
Note: Such studies are conducted m
relative terms.

26. A good hypothesis should be
(a) precise, specific and consistent with most known facts
(b) formulated in such a way that it can be tested by the data
(c) of limited scope and should not have global significance
(d) all of these

27. Hypothesis can not be stated in
(a) null and question form terms
(b) declarative terms
(c) general terms
(d) directional terms

28. Logic of induction is very close to
(a) the logic of sampling
(b) the logic of observation
(c) the logic of the controlled variable
(d) none of the above

29. In order to augment the accuracy of the study a researcher
(a) should increase the size of the sample
(b) should be honest and unbiased
(c) should keep the variance high
(d) all of these

31. Total error in a research is equal to
(a) sampling error + non-sampling error
(b) (sampling error) + (non - sampling error)
(c) only sampling error
(d) sampling error x 100

32. The probability of a head and a tail of tossing four coins simultaneously is
(a) 118 (b) 116
(c) 114 (d) 1164

33. Which of the following is a primary source of data? '
(a) Personal records, letters, diaries, autobiographies, wills, etc.
(b) Official records-governments' documents, information preserved by social-religious organizations etc.
(c) Oral testimony of traditions and customs
(d) All of the above

34. For doing external criticism (for establishing the authenticity of data) a researcher must verify:
(a) the signature and handwriting of the author
(b) the paper and ink used in that period which is under study
(c) style of prose writing of that period
(d) all of the above

35. The validity and reliability of a research will be at stake when-
(a) The author who is the source of information is biased, incompetent or dishonest
(b) The incident was reported after a long period of time from that of its occurrence
(c) The researcher himself is not competent enough to draw logical conclusions
(d) All of the above

36. While writing research report a researcher
(a) must riot use the numerical figures in numbers in the beginning of sentences
(b) must arrange it in logical, topical and chronological order
(c) must compare his results with those of the other studies
(d) all of the above

37. A researcher wants to study the future of the Congress I in India. For the study which tool is most appropriate for him?
(a) Questionnaire (b) Schedule
(c) Interview (d) Rating scale

38. Survey study aims at:
(i) knowing facts about the  existing situation
(ii) comparing the present status with the standard norms
(iii) criticizing the existing situation
(iv) identifying the means of improving the existing situation
(a) (i) and (ii) only
(b) (i), (ii), and (iii)
(c) (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(d) (ii) and (iii) only

39. Seeing a very big rally it was reported that JD will win the election, the conclusion was based on:
(a) random sampling
(b) cluster sampling '
(c) systematic sampling
(d) purposive sampling

40. The per capita income of India from 1950 to 1990 is four times. This study is
(a) social (b) horizontal
(c) longitudinal (d) factorial

41. It is an example of negative correlation:
(a) an increase in population will lead to a shortage of food grains
(b) poor intelligence means poor achievement in school
(c) corruption in India is increasing
(d) poor working condition retards output

45. If you are doing experiment on a large group of sample which method of controlling will you adopt?
(a) Matching
(b) randomization
(c) elimination and matching both
(d) elimination.

46.The historical research is different from experimental research in the process of
(a) replication
(b) the formulation of the hypothesis
(c) the hypothesis testing
(d) all of the above

47. The review of the related study. is important while undertaking a research because
(a) it avoids repetition or duplication
(b) it helps in understanding the gaps
(c) it helps the researcher not to draw logical conclusions
(d) all of the above

48. Which of the following is not the characteristic of a researcher?
(a) He is a specialist rather than a generalist
(b) He is industrious and persistent on the trial of discovery
(c) He is not inspirational to his chosen field but accepts the reality
(d) He is not versatile in his interest and even in his native abilities
(e) He is versatile in his interest, even in his native abilities
(f) he is objective

49. Collective psychology of the whole period is a theory which
(a) can explain all phase of historical development
(b) means the psychology of the whole society
(e) means psychological approach of data collection
(d) all of the above

50. Bibliography given in a research report
(a) helps those interested in further research and studying the problem from another angle
(b) makes the report authentic
(e) shows the vast knowledge of the researcher
(d) none of the above

51. If the sample drawn does not specify any condition about the parameter of the population, it is called
(a) selected statistics
(b) distribution free statistics
(c) census
(d) none of the above
1 · 2     3   4    5    6   7    8    9  10
(a) (e) (a) (b) (b) (e) (e) (d) (b) (d)
11  12 13 14 15  16  17 18  19  20
le) (e) (a) (e) (a) (b) (e) (d) (a) (d)
 21 22  23 24   25 26 27  28 29  30
(d) (b) (d) (b) (e) (d) (e) (a) (d) (b)
31  32  33 34  35  36 37 38  39  40
(b) (b) (d) (d) (d) (d) (a) (b) (b) (e)
 41  45  46 47  48  49 50  51
(a)  (d) (d) (d) (d) (a) (a)  (b)


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